Getting To The Heart Of Your Future Life As A Creative Maker

Discovering your dream vision for your future life as a creative maker.

Have you ever thought about what your dream life will look like in the future?

It’s important to take time every so often to consider this and see if the direction you're going in now will get you there, and if not what do you need to do to get you closer to this dream life. 

How would it feel to do what you love, making beautiful creations, and having this support the life you want? It's not always easy to imagine, but taking the time to identify what you truly want out of life can help you create a purposeful path for achieving your goals. 

If you do the same things you’re doing now will you get closer to your dream life?  What would happen if you change course, adjust your path, or try something different?

Scary I know - it’s comfortable doing the same thing even when you know in your heart that it’s not moving you in the right direction. We all do it, get stuck in a rut and then because we’ve been doing it for so long we’re fearful of changing.

I want you do something right now! Take 1 minute to think what if….

  • What if… I did that one thing I love and I know I’m good at?

  • What if… I choose to try something new?

  • What if… I followed my dream, put in the work I know it’s going to take, and commit whole heartedly to it?

In this moment of reflection what does your life look like? Who are you with? Where are you? What are you spending your time doing?

Here’s some more tips to help visualise your dream life so you can move forward with purpose, create your goals and live to your full potential.

  • Take Time for Self-Reflection

The first step in identifying your dream life is taking the time to reflect on your values, passions, and interests. What makes you happy? What do you enjoy doing? What kind of life do you want to live? Make a list of the things that matter to you and what you want to achieve.

Set aside a couple of hours, where you can’t be disturbed, get yourself a lovely treat - (mine’s an almond croissant from a bakery near the dog park!). If you can, find somewhere warm and comfortable so you can really relax - an armchair by a sunny window perhaps.  And get dreaming about your dream life!  Here are some prompts to help you get as detailed as you can and really picture yourself in this future life.

  • What Makes Me Happy?

  • What do I enjoy doing?

  • What kind of life do I want?

  • Who am I with?

  • Where am I living or working in my dream scenario?

  • What 5 things matter to me most?

  • Visualise Your Ideal Life

Close your eyes and picture yourself living your ideal life. What does it look like? Who is with you? Where are you? What kind of work are you doing? Visualising your this future life can help you gain clarity on what you truly want and help you set realistic goals and draw up a path to reaching them..

  • Break Down Your Goals

Once you have an idea of what you want, break down your goals into smaller, more achievable steps. What actions can you take right now to get closer to your dream life? Make a plan and start taking small steps every day to move forward.

Remember taking one small step everyday towards your goals will have a huge effect over time. 

  • Be Open to Change

Remember that identifying your dream life is not a one-time event. It's okay if your goals and desires change over time. Be open to new opportunities and be willing to change direction if your priorities shift.

I’d recommend doing this exercise at least once a year or even every 6 months just to see where you're at, especially in the early days of wanting to make a difference in your life.

  • Surround Yourself with Supportive People

Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. Seek out a mentor or coach who can help you stay focused and motivated.

Remember, identifying your dream life is a process, and it's okay if it takes time to figure out what you want, but once you have it, it can give you amazing focus and be your biggest motivator especially when the going gets tough. So go ahead and dream big! The possibilities are yours to create.


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