The Designer Maker Coach

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The Power of Habits & Routines for Small Solo Led Businesses

As small business owners in the creative world we invariably have a never-ending to-do list and countless tasks vying for our attention. With so much on our plates, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and scattered, unsure of where to focus our energy and efforts. But there is a simple and powerful solution to this common dilemma? Creating habits – the key to reclaiming control over your headspace, your time and productivity is in the habits we create to repeat regular tasks that we need to be doing.

The Science of Habits:

Before we dive into the habits of successful solo entrepreneurs, let's first explore the science behind habits and why they're so powerful. At their core, habits are automatic behaviours that we perform without conscious thought or effort. They're formed through repetition and reinforcement, gradually becoming ingrained into our daily routines. From brushing our teeth in the morning (a good essential habit) to checking our phones before bed (a bad habit!).  Habits shape our behaviour and help us navigate the complexities of daily life with a bit more ease.

Creating Habits That Stick:

Now that you  understand the importance of habits, the next question is: How do we create and maintain them effectively? The key lies in understanding the habit loop – a pattern in our brain which consists of three components: the cue - what starts the ritual, the routine - repetition and frequency of the habit we’re trying to establish, and reward - how will we benefit from this habit. 

For example if we take the habit of brushing our teeth in the morning the cue for this is either you’ve just got up and washed or just had breakfast. The routine is easy, it’s every morning at the same time and in the same place - in front of the bathroom sink! The reward is that we start the day with a fresh mouth, our breath tastes nice and we’re looking after ourselves and our body which always makes you feel good.  By identifying the triggers that prompt our behaviours, implementing a consistent routine, and rewarding ourselves for our efforts, we can effectively establish new habits and make them stick for the long term.

Another useful trick to creating a habit that’s going to stick is stacking it on to another established habit. So once you’ve completed one ritual you then add on the new habit.  For example if we take your teeth brushing habit you may then decide to add on 5 minutes of meditation or stretches straight afterwards to get you ready for the day and clear your mind and body of any morning anxieties or tension.  Your reward for which is starting the day, not only with a fresh mouth, but also with clarity and calm ready for the day ahead.

The Five Habits of Successful Solo Entrepreneurs:

  • Morning Rituals: Start your day on the right foot by implementing a morning ritual that sets the tone for success. Whether it's a brisk walk, a few minutes of meditation, or a healthy breakfast, carving out time for self-care and reflection can help you approach your day with clarity and focus.

  • Time Blocking: Take control of your schedule by implementing the practice of time blocking. By allocating specific blocks of time for different tasks and activities, you can ensure that your time is used efficiently and effectively, minimising distractions and maximising productivity.  This can be as simple as say on Wednesday mornings I’m working on designs and developing new ideas. A non negotiable chunk of time.  Or have a timer for 30 minutes on every time to sit down to post on social media - no more no less.

  • Goal Setting: Getting in to the habit of setting clear, actionable goals for your business and personal growth. At the start of each week review your goals for the week so know exactly what you need to be working on.  Whether it's increasing sales, launching a new product line, or improving your marketing efforts, having specific goals to work towards can provide direction and motivation, keeping you focused and on track.

  • Regular Review and Reflection: Take time to review your progress regularly and reflect on what's working and what's not. This might be habit you bake into the last Friday of every month. Reviewing your finances every week or month to ensure you know your numbers! By evaluating your efforts and making adjustments as needed, you can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about the future direction of your business.

  • Self-Care: Prioritise self-care and well-being as essential components of your success. Create a habit that is purely for bettering your mental or physical health. Remember that taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity, and investing in your physical, mental, and emotional health will ultimately benefit both you and your business in the long run.

Cultivating habits is not only essential for success but also liberating. By harnessing the power of habits, we can free up brain space for spontaneous, creative and free thinking processes,  we streamline our routines, and focus our energy on the activities and areas of our business that truly matter. So let's commit to creating habits that support our goals, empower our growth, and pave the way for success as  thriving and joyful business owners. With dedication, consistency, and a willingness to embrace change, the possibilities are limitless. Here's to building a future fueled by habits that make our path as handmade business owners less overwhelming and more enjoyable.

Right now think of three areas of your life that you have set goals for. For example a goal for your business, a goal for your health, or a goal for your personal growth. Now try and come up with a simple habit you can create to help you achieve your goal. It could be you’re going to read for 30 minutes before bed, or you're going to spend 1 hour each day after your lunch to work through the course you’ve bought to develop your business skills.  Whatever it is start today and get that habit sticking!

If you’d like to know more about mapping out a path for  your business and life.  Hit the link below for your FREE success journey planner and give your life and business a clear path and direction for the next 12 months.